World Congress on

Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering

  • Renaissance London Heathrow Hotel
  • March 10-11, 2025
Dr. Jose Luis Miranda Dias


Dr. Jose Luis Miranda Dias

National Laboratory of Civil Engineering

Abstract Title: Damaging Effects of Severe Wind Actions on Infill Masonry Walls of Reinforced Concrete Buildings and Respective Mitigation


José Luís Miranda Dias obtained his graduation in Civil Engineering (1984) and PhD in Civil Engineering (1998), both at IST Técnico Lisboa/Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL), and currently works as Research Officer at the Department of Buildings, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering. José does research in Civil Engineering and Materials Engineering.

Research Interest:

The external envelope of reinforced concrete buildings (RCS buildings) is subjected to external environmental actions, particularly those related to wind action, which could expose their unreinforced masonry (URM) infill walls, in case of high winds, to in tense out-of-plane loads (OOP loads), and in-plane loads (INP loads). These URM infill walls of the building facade, for applied high wind loads (OOP loads), could be subjected to adverse out-of-plane bending Furthermore, the out-of-plane (OOP) capacity of URM infill walls associated to wind action could be affected by vertical deformations [1]. The wind is commonly associated with normal climatic actions, nevertheless, it has lately been connected to the effects of climate changes (changes in temperature and sea-level rise, precipitation change, droughts, and floods), which have already considerable impact on human and natural systems [2], [3]. The global variations of the planet´s climate are mainly linked to global warming, mostly caused by the release of “greenhouse gases”, which are presumably associated, largely, with human activity. In this paper, firstly, the previewed increase of wind actions due to the expected effects of climate change is analyzed, mainly in terms of their possible impact on the service life of these RCS buildings, with premature degradation of materials and construction elements. Subsequently, basic elements about wind action in facades and cross walls of the building´s vertical envelope are presented here. Relevant characteristic behavior of URM infills and their supports in the case of OOP loads and INP loads due to wind were analyzed. Finally, the influence of previous vertical deformations of the supporting elements on the out-of-plane (OOP) capacity of the URM infill walls, related to wind action (OOP loads due to the wind) is also analyzed.)

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